New Age Leaders to Know About

Leadership and Management are not inbuilt or ingrained skills that everyone has within oneself. These qualities are acquired with excess determination and enthusiasm to achieve significant position in one’s life, to establish one’s career, to prove oneself to many, or whenpointed to eventual meaning; to understand the purpose of life.

Surprisingly, there are these influential age leaders of time who were determined to work hard and to contribute them to themselves unless they acquired these leadership abilities.

Here is a short list of suchrenownedand established age leaders that can inspire you to trace and follow their footsteps and build your own world if you are as determined.

  1. Echkart Tolle

Echkart Tolle has written the Power Of Now and A New Earth, the two of the best-selling spiritual books in the world.

Echkart is from Germany and he has been educated at University of London and Cambridge. He has laid his spiritual messages ontransformation of human consciousness in a user-friendly way for anyone with a desire to progress.

  • Bernard Brozek

A vehement and determining leader, Bernard Brozek, has allocated life to the American dream for thousands of small business traders, marketers and franchisees. He tool use of his extensive operations, accomplished coaching abilities, and the expertise of modeling.

Bernard has been appointed as the CEO at Revive Men’s Health facility of the US and has a holistic approach in the field of healthcare.

  • Rhonda Byrne

Rhonda Byrne is significantly listed among Time Magazine’s 100 people who contribute in shaping the world through their evolutionary ideas.Rhonda’sbook,The Secrethas re-publicizedthe spiritual beliefs for the law of attraction with respect to the universe and positive thinking approach to achieve positive and whatever needed in life.

  • James Redfield

The Celestine Prophecy, brought to life by James Redfield has aided pave the way for a new generation of soul-seekers to head on their path of spiritual awakening and relative conceptual beliefs.

The uncovering of the 9 convenient insights within the book allows everyindividual who reads to travel with the narrator and find out how these insights act as a key in their own lives.

Evidently, the real power of these new age leaders comes from the community they operate and serve in.

In present context, it can be the digital communities they are a part of. The impression of a leader is hugeenough to shape the prospect of organizations and societies.

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